

小白 2024-06-24 00:29:27 1
泰山游玩英语作文-泰山游玩英语作文80词摘要: 麦克暑假去泰山旅游的英语作文?和父母一起爬泰山的英语作文?麦克暑假去泰山旅游的英语作文?Morning, Mike a ride the automobile to go, rea...
  1. 麦克暑假去泰山旅游的英语作文?
  2. 和父母一起爬泰山的英语作文?


Morning, Mike a ride the automobile to go, ready at dawn before climbing Mount Taishan to see the sunrise. Along the way, trees lush it was not bright. Mike was excited to sit down all the.

The car took Mike to the Taishan mountain, trees are still so green. He started the first trip to the mountains, the day is not so dark, trees are still heavily luxuriant green.

Finally, climbed to the top of the mountain, which is the trees seemed to be more green, Mike is like a happy bird, "called" chirp.

Everything is so quiet and beautiful......



Today is a special day.Today is a special day. Me and my parents. Finally came to the foot of Mount Tai. We are going to climb to the top of Mount Tai. This is a difficult task.
